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Indiana Center for Biomedical Innovation

Noyes Pavilion
5th floor • Suite E504
1800 N Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46202

The Mission

The ICBI’s mission is to serve IU and the Indiana life science’s ecosystem by incubating high potential bioscience companies and entrepreneurial researchers as they move their discoveries from bench to bedside.

Support for Entrepreneurs

  • Fully equipped laboratory facilities coupled with robust entrepreneurial services
  • Access to expertise that de-risks startup hurdles and accelerates the innovation process in highly capital intensive and heavily regulated industries
  • Seamless move from bench to clinical trials for ICBI member companies, researchers, and entrepreneurs
  • IU Health Enterprise Clinical Research Operations (ECRO) certified staff, expertise, and administrative functions leveraged to ensure proper and effective clinical trial execution
  • Access to a network of expertise across the IU School of Medicine, IU Health, the greater Indiana life sciences and entrepreneurial communities as well as industry leaders that provide a “whole of ecosystem” approach to take innovations quickly and efficiently from bench to bedside